Men and women have died and come back to life to describe what is beyond the veil of death. Many have similar encounters and experiences. This course studies the bible experiences of the afterlife. Taught by Pastor Mike
View the video series hereQuesions
1. NDE means near death experience
Does anyone know someone who has had a near death experience?
What happened?
2. Why is it important to study NDE?
(multiple answers are accepted and possible)
Answer: It gives us an eternal perstpective.
3. Why is it important to have an eternal perspective?
Answer: We focus on God and Heaven. We are less selfish. Not living for just this world.
4. How do people live when they do not have an eternal perspective
Answer: They are selfish, greedy, mean, etc.
Quick Hits
5. the Bible says we are made up of 3 parts. What are they?
Answer: Body, soul and spirit.
6. Out of those 3, which is the eternal part?
Answer: The spirit
7. What happens when someone dies physically?
Answer: their spirit leaves their body and returns to the creator God
8. the Bible says when we return to our creator we will stand before him in Judgement.
Has anyone every thought about judgement day? What were your thoughts?
If you have anyone In your group that may have not received Jesus as their lord have everyone pray this prayer with you.
Father God, I believe that at the end of my life I will stand before you in Judgement.
I am not perfect. I have missed it and sinned and I need a savior.
Jesus, I believe you died for me and on the third day rose again.
Jesus, right now, come into my heart. Be my Lord and savior.
Thank you for saving me and forgiving me of all my sins.
I will live for you all of my days.
In Jesus Name
1. According to the Bible, is physical death the end of our lives? Why?
Answer: No we pass into eternity with God, Heaven and Hell
2. The Bible talks about having witnesses in Heaven. Who are these witnesses?
Answer: the saints and our family members who have died before us.
3. What are these witnesses looking at from Heaven?
Answer: They are reviewing only the things we do for the Lord while on Earth.
4. General Question (Go around the room)
Why is family important to you?
Will it be important to you to have family in Heaven? Why?
5. Don Piper talked about his loved ones. He said “They were ready to die, just not expecting it”
What does that mean?
Answer: they were prepared for Heaven because they all received Jesus and where serving him. They did not expect to die the day they did.
6. How can we make sure we are ready to die.
Answer: receive Jesus as you Lord and savior. Be forgiven from your sins. live daily serving the Lord.
7. Can anyone share a testimony about how they received Jesus and they knew they were ready for Heaven?
8. Don Piper talks about his Grandfather and Grandmother being physically whole in Heaven.
What are some of the things that will be perfect for you in Heaven?
If you have anyone In your group that may have not received Jesus as their lord have everyone pray this prayer with you.
Father God, I believe that at the end of my life I will stand before you in Judgement.
I am not perfect. I have missed it and sinned and I need a savior.
Jesus, I believe you died for me and on the third day rose again.
Jesus, right now, come into my heart. Be my Lord and savior.
Thank you for saving me and forgiving me of all my sins.
I will live for you all of my days.
In Jesus Name
Go around the room to multiple people with each question.
1. We are seeing examples of near death experiences. What are your feelings about your own death?
There is no wrong answer here. Just opinion.
2. Jesus talks about preparing a home for us. Explain how you feel knowing Jesus is preparing a place for you.
Answer: Jesus personally cares for us. Each of us is an individual.
3. Before this lesson, what did you imagine Jesus to looked like?
Any answer is OK. Go around and ask a few people.
4. In Revelation 1 it describes Jesus in a much different way. Can anyone describe him from Revelations?
If you have to you can read it from Rev 1:12-18
5. Why do you think Jesus looks this way in Glory?
Answer: Jesus is God and in the spirit, He is awesome and Glorious
6. Has anyone experienced the Love of God that can change you in an instant? Can you explain what happened?
7. What is the 1st thing you are you going to do when you meet Jesus in Heaven?
Go around the room to multiple people with each question.
1. Earth is similar in some ways to Heaven. What are some of the similarities?
Answer: Houses, plants, trees, people, etc…
2. Even with the similarities, what are the major differences between Earth and Heaven?
Answer: No death, no night, no tears or sadness.
3. What do you think it would be like to have no more evil, temptation, devil at all? Explain how life in Heaven will be different in that way?
Answer: No more struggle, no more evil thoughts, no more bad things happening.
4. Jesus said he was going to perpare a mansion or home for us. What do you think your home is heaven will look like? What is your taste?
Try to get everyone to answer.
5. Who are the top 3 people you want to meet in Heaven?
6. How does having eternity in your hearts and minds effect the way you live day to day? How?
Answer: I tell people about Jesus, I am more giving, I am God inside minded.
7. Do you know anybody that needs to hear the message of Jesus and Heaven? Who?
1. Has anyone ever had an image or idea of God that was not biblical?
EX: “My god would never send anyone to hell”
What were your ideas about God?
2. Why does God call this worshiping an Idol when we create an idea of God that is not biblical
Answer: We are creating a God in our own minds that suits our likings. It may not be accurate with the God of the bible. It is a false god or idol.
3. One thought that is not correct according to the bible is “eveyone goes to Heaven when they die”.
Did anyone ever beleive that? Why?
4. The bible says, unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Does anyone know what this scripture means? What is being born again?
5. Hell is a terrible place.
Can anyone describe some characteristics of Hell that really impacted you in the the testimonies we saw?
6. Does anyone want to share their testimony of recieving Jesus and having the assurance that you were no longer going to Hell but Heaven?
(Ask for a few testimonies)
If you have anyone In your group that may have not received Jesus as their lord have everyone pray this prayer with you.
Father God, I believe that at the end of my life I will stand before you in Judgement.
I am not perfect. I have missed it and sinned and I need a savior.
Jesus, I believe you died for me and on the third day rose again.
Jesus, right now, come into my heart. Be my Lord and savior.
Thank you for saving me and forgiving me of all my sins.
I will live for you all of my days.
In Jesus Name
1. Has anyone ever gone to court and stood before a judge?
If it is not embarrassing, can you tell us what happened and what was the judge’s verdict?
Was any evidence used in the court proceeding?
2. The bible says there is going to be a judgment day. What do you imagine that will be like?
Go around. There are no wrong answers.
3. Does anyone know how we can get rid of the wrong of our Heavenly record before Judgement day?
A. Receive Jesus and be born again.
John 3:3. Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”
B. If you miss is repent and ask forgiveness.
1 John 1:9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
4. Would you consider your day to day life as more SELFISH or GIVING? Give examples.
5. In the video the idea was presented of a daily Judgement Day. What is that? How does that work?
Answer: You go before God daily and ask Him to reveal any wrong you have done and then you repent and recieve forgiveness.
6. We are at the end of our series on Visitors on Eternity. Any last thoughts or comments by anyone before we wrap it up?
If you have anyone In your group that may have not received Jesus as their lord have everyone pray this prayer with you.
Father God, I believe that at the end of my life I will stand before you in Judgement.
I am not perfect. I have missed it and sinned and I need a savior.
Jesus, I believe you died for me and on the third day rose again.
Jesus, right now, come into my heart. Be my Lord and savior.
Thank you for saving me and forgiving me of all my sins.
I will live for you all of my days.
In Jesus Name