Most believers do not understand the authority in the Name of Jesus. This name was given to us for prayer and victory over the Devil and his demons. Spend the next few weeks with Pastor Ed Daniels and guest Chip Brim.
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- Discuss what authority is.
(Delegated) - What are we given authority for?
- Is the delegated authority that we have based on our being good? Or what Jesus did.
explain why - Discuss Luke 10:20 AMPC and the use of the name of Jesus.
Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are enrolled in heaven - What was found in Lucifer to cause him to fall?
Pride – explain how and what it caused him to do - Discuss how the devil has been celebrated by the world.
1. Read Hosea 4:6 and discuss
(lack of knowledge) 2. How do we get knowledge? Discuss various ways that we can get the knowledge that we need.
(Reading the Bible – listening to anointed teaching etc) 3. How did Jesus defeat the Devil in the wilderness?
With scripture ” It is written”
How many times did he quote scripture?
(4) 4. According to Eph 2:4-6 where is our location of enforcement!
seated with God in the heavenly places 5. Read Eph 1:18-23 How does this prayer apply to us?
explain why 6. How do we take our seat with Christ?
Week 3
- What are the 3 Keys to the book of Acts that enabled the early church to move in the power of God.
(Word, the Name and the Holy Spirit) - Discuss Living Words mandate to be a Word and Spirit church.
Any testimonies? - Discuss the difference of praying and commanding.
When dealing with the devil are we to pray or command?
(Command) - Where are we to abide to become untouchable by the devil?
(Seated with Christ ) - Discuss applying the Blood. Rev 12:11 nkj
Wk 4
1. Read Rev 12:11 -Discuss the demonic influence that can be in a house or brought in by family members.
2. Can living a life not fully devoted to Christ open the door for demonic activity in your life and family?
3. Have you or any family member ever been involved with fortune telling, ouiji boards, any form of witchcraft etc.
Do have things in your house like Harry Potter books (allow the Holy Spirit to show you)
Apply the BloodType a message.
Week 5
Week 6
1. Discuss the importance of faith in dealing with the devil.
2. Discuss the fact that our position is very important . ( you cans fight him on his turf)
3. Read Eph 2:6 Discuss our position seated with Christ. (Declare every day you position)
4. Read Acts 19:11-20 Discuss why these men failed.