Prayer is one of the most important disciplines we can develop. We will learn the different types of prayer and the biblical rules to make each one effective.

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Connect Group Questions


1.  Read I John 5:14-15 NKJV. Do you have that kind of confidence in your prayer life? Please give examples if you feel comfortable.
-we all should have this kind of confidence. Reread verse 14. “Confidence…in Him”
2.  Pastor Ed spoke about reading ourselves of “sin consciousness”. What does that mean?
-feeling guilty about not being perfect all the time; feeling unworthy to request anything from God or talk to him on a personal level; debilitating self criticism.
3.  Read I John 3:20-21 in TPT.
(A.) According to verse 20, what should we do when our hearts condemn us by making us “FEEL guilty”?
-remind ourselves that “we KNOW that God is much greater and more merciful than our conscience”
(B.) According to verse 21, what happens when we rid ourselves of sin consciousness?
-“We have a bold freedom to speak face-to-face with God.”
4.  Pastor Ed mentioned the biblical definition of the word confident. What were some of the different meanings?
-Full trust; believe in the power’s trustworthiness; belief of the reliability of a person/thing. Sounds a lot like faith doesn’t it?
5.  Read II Corinthians 5:21.  (A.) Fill in the blank. Jesus became _____ for us so that we could become the ________ of God ________.
-sin/righteousness/in Him
(B.) How does God see those who believe in Jesus?
-holy, perfection, cleansed, accepted, covered by the blood, blameless, acquitted from guilt, at peace with Him
6.  Read II Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 10:9-10 TPT. Why is not being confident dangerous?
-It is a lack of faith in your oneness or unity with Christ; you are dwelling on your “old self”; you are not receiving the “gift of righteousness” that comes when you believe the Gospel
7.  Have one person read Romans 5:1-2 in MSG slowly. It might feel funny, but everyone close your eyes and listen carefully. Visualize yourself and God exactly as the scripture says.
-isn’t that amazing?!
-Meditate on this and other scriptures mentioned this week to build your inner righteousness mentality.
-Speak confessions over yourself multiple times a day such as “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” “I am accepted by God” “My heavenly Father loves me.”



1.  Read Hebrews 4:16 AMPC.
(A.) How are we to approach God in prayer?
-boldly, confidently and fearlessly
(B.) Have you ever prayed or approached God like that? Give examples.
-for example, “Lord I know you are helping me in this situation. You said You would rebuke the devoured for those who tithe and I thank You for it!” It’s easy to boldly come to God when you are praying the Word of God.
2.  Read Ephesians 2:6. Where should we be viewing ourselves as we pray and talk to God?
-seated with Christ and heavenly places
3.  How would it feel to give you a requests or prayers to God whilst seated next to him with Jesus?
-Victorious, at peace, and confident. This is how we should always feel and view ourselves.
4.  Read Daniel 11:32 NKJV. What makes for a strong, mission accomplishing Christian?
-knowing God
5.  God wants a real family, not just people living in close quarters with Him. What is the difference between being connected to God and being involved with God?
-connected: simply knowing God as your Lord and Savior
-involved: fellowshipping with God, and sharing intimate relationship with Him in prayer
6.  Read John 10:14-15 TPT. Are we able to be as close in relationship to Jesus as God is?
-yes. Vs 15 states “just as”
7.  God wanted fellowship with Adam and Eve and walked close with them in the garden daily. He still wants that kind of fellowship with us today. What should that look like?
-Reading the Bible daily vs just going to church
-Listening to God in prayer vs only listing off your requests
-Living with Gods heart in mind and being outwardly focused vs living a selfish inwardly focused life

Homework: do the things in the answer of question seven. Build a relationship with God in prayer that is a two-way street and get to know His heart.

Week 3

1 Pastor Ed read a quote in the beginning of his message about prayer. It stated that prayer is the link between what two things?Prayer is the link between God‘s will and it’s accomplishment on earth2 Read John 15:5-8 MSG. Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches.(A.) What happens when we stay intimately connected with Jesus?we have an abundant harvest with answered prayers(B.) What happens when we separate ourselves from Jesus?we don’t produce anything, and our prayers will be unproductive because we are dead wood.3 Read I John 5: 13-15 MSG. What stands out to you?open ended question.4 Read Psalm 119:89. What does this verse mean?God’s word is eternal, stands firm, is settled, permanent, unchanging, and ensuring no matter the circumstances!5 Read Isaiah 55:11 NKJV and MSG. What is God’s promise you can stand on in this verse?God’s Word will accomplish and prosper in the thing in which He sent it. In other words, it WILL come to pass. It is an imperishable, unfailing seed and should be treated as such in prayer.6 Read Jeremiah 1:12 AMPC. We know God is watching over and will perform His Word. Give an example of how to pray God’s Word?Example: A Prayer for Fear/Oppression based off of Isaiah 54:14 TPT. Dear Lord, You say I am established in righteousness. Oppression is far from me! Fear is far from me! Thank you, Lord because of Your Word, and who You are to me, I refuse to be afraid. Amen.7 In closing, read Deuteronomy 7:9 from the perspective that God is your personal loving Father. Meditate on this momentarily and make any comments.Homework:Meditate on Psalm 119:89 and Isaiah 55:11 to receive revelation on the power of God’s Word. Practice praying God‘s Word over yours specific situation.



  1. Read John 16:23-24. How does Jesus instruct us to pray?
  • go to God yourself and ask him in My (Jesus’) name
  1. what happens when we pray like that?
  • Jesus is praying to God for us AND with us. He is our advocate, mediator and go-between.  
  • Our joy will be full, knowing God answers our prayers.
  1. Read Mark 16:17. Why do you think in the book of Acts the disciples had success in doing those things?
  • they had success because they did it in Jesus‘s name, and understood the magnitude and power of that phrase
  1. Read Matthew 28:18
(A.) Who has authority of the entire universe?
  • Jesus!
(B.) Do we have that same authority?
  • Yes! Jesus gave it to the church (His body) and now we are heaven’s representatives and ambassadors doing kingdom business on earth.
  1. Read Romans 8:32-34. 
(A.) What is the best thing God gave us?
  • Jesus!
(B.) What is the next best thing God gave us?
  • “freely ALL things”
(C.) what does freely mean?
  • Free! We don’t need to convince our twist, God‘s arm or leg to give them to us
  1. Read II Peter 1:2-4 AMP. This verse states again God has given us all things/everything we need. What does that look like?
  • Healing, prosperity, blessing, protection, all the fruits of the spirit (love joy peace etc.)
  • His arm is ever stretched out towards us with everything we need to live a dynamic spiritual life
Homework: Meditate on John 16:23-24 AMP this week and ask God in Jesus‘s name to give you revelation about this powerful phrase. 

PRAYER CONNECT GROUP WK. 5        1       What does the prayer of faith look like?                The prayer of faith prays the Word of God, and comes into agreement with the Word of God. It does not only pray the problem.        2       Read I John 5:14-15.(A.) When can you believe that you receive what you are praying for ?                when you pray God’s will(B.) How do you know when you are praying God’s will?                when you pray the Word of God(C.) Can anyone give an example of what this looks like when you are praying for issues such as sickness, poverty, danger, or your family to be saved.                example: instead of praying “God I’m so sick I can’t handle this anymore please heal me I know You can please have mercy on me” pray the prayer of faith that sounds like “Lord, you know how I’m feeling and what I am going through. I choose to have faith regardless of my symptoms and I will declare what You say about my body. What You say is ‘By Jesus’ stripes I AM HEALED’ (Isaiah 53:5) Thank you Lord that Your Word never fails. Amen!”        3       Read Mark 11:24. This is a simple matter of fact verse. Why do you think it’s so hard to stay in faith?                Open ended answer. It’s hard to stay in faith when you focus on the problems and not on Jesus/The Word.                4. Read Romans 10:17. What should we do when we start to feel weary in our problems?                Increase time in the Word and your faith and endurance to handle opposition will increase        5       Read Hebrews 11:1 AMPC. What is the difference between faith and hope?                Faith is believing what you are asking for is happening NOW. Hope is believing what you are asking for will happen, but in the future.Homework: Meditate on Hebrews 11:1 AMPC this week. Pray and ask God to help you ensure you are praying in faith and not hope.



  1. What is intercessory prayer?
  • It is the act of praying on behalf of somebody else to God. When we intercede for others, we are standing in the gap for them, and praying the will of God over their life.
  1. Read II Corinthians 12:15. What motivates prayers of intercession? 
  • the love and compassion of God. As we mature in Christ we become outwardly focused. Not only praying for ourselves but for the betterment of fellow believers, the unsaved, the body of Christ as a whole, our pastors/leaders, etc. even people who have hurt us.
  1. Read Matthew 18:18. What does this verse mean?
  • It means that when we “bind” evil things with our prayers and words here on earth, all of heaven backs us up with the power of God and his angelic army. Example : “I bind any sickness coming against my body in Jesus name” And also on the other hand, when we “loose” or speak good things or the Word of God here on earth, all of heaven goes into motion to bring that into reality. Example : “I loose or release financial provision over my household in Jesus name”
  1. Continue on to read Matthew 18:19-20. What two things happen when we come into agreement or pray with one another?
  • it WILL be done for us and Jesus is in the midst of us
  1. Read Mark 11:25-26. What can be a road block to unanswered prayers? 
  • Refusing to release forgiveness or holding on to offense. Let go, be free, and see your prayer requests come to pass
  1. Does anyone have a testimony of intercession or forgiveness?
Homework: Sit and be still in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit two things. 1. To reveal to you any offense or unforgiveness in your heart. 2. To put a person on your heart to intercede and pray for. 


        1. Read Acts 1:4 and 1:8. Why did Jesus tell the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait?                so they would receive the gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He wanted them to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.        2. Read Acts 2:1-4. What is the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?                speaking in tongues. This story is just one of many examples you can find in the book of Acts.        3. Read Romans 8:26-27.(A.)  What should we do when we don’t know how or what to pray for?                pray in the Spirit/tongues(B.) What happens when we do this?        The Holy Spirit prays through us a perfect prayer to God on our behalf. There is no room for error and the perfect will of God is prayed because our human mind is bypassed. Praise God!4. Continue on to read Romans 8:28. What are we assisting God in doing as we speak in tongues?      making all things work together in our lives for GOOD.        5. Read I Corinthians 14:2 TPT. According to this verse, and the ones we previously read, what are some of the various ways tongues can sound?                they can sound like an unknown spiritual language, they can sound like a real language that is unknown to the speaker (Spanish, German, etc.) or they can sound like deep groanings.         6. Continue on to read I Corinthians 14:4. Besides praying perfect godly prayers, what else happens when we pray in tongues?                our spirits are edified. This means our spirits are built up, strengthened and emboldened. It’s as if our spirit man is exercising / weightlifting. Hallelujah!7. Does anyone have any testimonies about speaking in tongues?8. Does anyone want to be prayed for to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Now is the time to be bold. Step out in faith to speak in tongues and see your life transformed.Homework this week: Practice speaking in tongues more and more. Your spiritual life will be strengthened and you will see great things happen in your life.