What does it take to live a life of Fatih?
Not just know about the subject of faith,

but live a full life of faith from the moment of your new birth, until you breath your last and step into your eternal reward.
God’s desire is for you to run a long, and successful race and to meet each day with excitement and expectation of His very best.

Over the next 6 weeks we will be taking a road trip stopping at important destinations on your life-long road of faith.


Week 1 Questions

  1. Who has ever taken a road trip before?   Where did you go?   Tell us about the adventure.

  2. When you are on a road trip, why is it important to have a destination?   Explain.

  3. What is our destination as Christians?
    answer:   Heaven

  4. Why is it important to know your starting point in a Journey?
    answer: If you don’t know where you start, it is hard to know where you are going?  Like a GPS

    What is our staring point as a Christian?
    Answer:  The new birth.  Being Born Again.

  5. Go around the room and ask people about their salvation experience (When were you saved?, how old were you ?, where did you get saved?). Take time for each person to answer.

    NOTE: Ask if anyone prayed the sinners prayer on the video

  6. Read these two scriptures

    Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”

    Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”

    Then Ask.  When did you become aware that you were a sinner that needed forgiveness?

  7. When you were born again how were things different for you?  Ex:  Did you want to go to church.  Did the Holy Spirit Convict you of Sin.  Did you want to read your bible?

    Go around the room.

  8. Read this scripture

    2 Cor 5:17
    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

    Ask:  What does it mean you have become a new creation
    Answer:   Your spirit man has been made brand new.  Not recycled.  A brand new you .  Like a baby.  That is why they call it Born Again

  9. What does the bible mean when it says we have been translated out of the Power of Darkness?

    Answer:  Jesus moved us out from the Devil’s Kingdom into God’s Kingdom.

  10. What authority does the Devil have over you now? Why?

    Answer:  He has not legal authority.  We are translated out of his kingdom.

Week 2 Questions


1. What does the story of Lazerous represent?

Answer: The new birth

2. What do the Grave clothes represent?

Answer: Our dead or sinful works of the flesh

3. What are some examples of “dead works” the Bible talks about?

Some Answers: Swearing, drinking, sexual perversion….

4. Did anyone experience this step after your new birth. Where the Holy Spirit started promoting you to stop sinful practices?

(Go around room and ask for give examples)

5. Did anyone skip this step and then struggle with sins and habits throughout your Christian walk?

( Go around room and ask give examples)

6. Why is walking in the spirit important to “take off the grave clothes”

Answer: The Flesh and spirit are contrary to one another. Walking in the spirit empowers you to put down sin


Week 3 Questions


1. Has anyone ever been in a power outage before?

Quick Answer: Look for raised Hands

2. Who has had the power out for more than one day and night?
What was it like at night with no power?

Answer: It is very dark – Share your power outage story

3. What does it mean in the bible that we walk by faith and not by sight?

Answer: We walk by what God’s words says and not by our 5 senses.
What does that mean?


4. What are some examples of walking by faith and not by sight?

Answer: We choose to believe the word for our healing, our promotion, that the money will come, etc….


5. What did Paul and Silas do in prison at the Midnight hour?

Quick Answer: They prayed and sang praises


6. Has anyone been in a dark situation before where you chose to Praise God, in spite of the circumstance?
Share that story with us.

7. We need light for our path in this dark world.  What lights our path?

Quick Answer: The word of God


8. What is your word of God routine to get more word in you, and more faith and light?

Quick Answer: Each day I ….

Week 4 Questions

  1. Has anyone been to court before, standing before a judge?   What were the circumstances?

  2. Has anyone sat on a Jury before?  What did they instruct you about the law?

  3. Can anyone say all the 10 commandments?

      • You shall have no other gods before Me

      • You shall not make idols

      • You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain

      • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy

      • Honor your father and your mother

      • You shall not murder

      • You shall not commit adultery

    • You shall not steal
    • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
    • You shall not covet

    4.    Jesus said He has brought us a new commandment.  What is it?

    Answer: Love

    5.  Why was that so radical in Jesus day?


    The Jews only knew about the law and judgement.  Jesus brought love and forgiveness.  A whole new side of God.

 6. How are we no to treat our enemies?   What about those who talk bad about us and slander us?
Math 5:44 NKJV

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,

7. Has anyone ever met evil with love?   What happened?

8. Does anyone here have someone that is very difficult, that they need to show love to?   Explain.



Week 5 Questions

  1. Besides God.  What are some things that Power you up?  Why?

Answer: Go around the room and ask multiple people:    going to the gym.  eating right.  Sleep.  Vacations.  Nature.

2. Has anyone here experienced some sort of burn out before?  What happened?

Answer: Worked too much.  No sleep

3. According to the bible, who strengthens us?  The scripture?

Answer:  Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

4. What does it mean in Mathew 11 when Jesus Says take my burden on you?

Answer:  He wants us to cast our burdens and worries on Him, and take his Will or Burden for our lives
It is easy and light

Has anyone ever done this before?

Answer: How?


5. What was the 1st power principal?

Answer: Prayer

How does prayer charge you up?  Can anyone give any examples?

6. What was the 2nd power principal mentioned in the video?

Answer: Going to church

Can anyone give examples on how church powers you up?

7. What was the 3rd power principal mentioned in the video?

Answer: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Has anyone been baptised in the Holy Spirit?  Can you tell the story how you received and what happened?


Week 6 Questions

  1. Has anyone ever run in a race before? Tell us the details.

Answer:  Ask multiple people their experiences.

What did it feel like to finish the race?

What work did you have to successfully  finish the race?


2. Our Journey of Faith there is a destination.  What is it?

Quick Answer:  Heaven

3. The Bible says we have become citizens of Heaven.  How did that happen?

Quick Answer:  The New Birth.  Receiving Jesus.


4. After you were born again, did the Earth start to feel less like home?  How?

 Answer:  Ask multiple people

5. Paul says this in  1 Tim “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
Not everyone who called on the name of Jesus has this testimony.

Why do you think some have gotten off the path and halted their heavenly journey?

Has anyone here ever gotten off the path and came back to the Lord?

Answer:  Sin etc.

6 . When you look back on your life long journey, what will matter most to you?  And Why?

Answer:  What I did for the Kingdom

Bringing People To Jesus

How generous I was, what I gave to others


6 .  If God knows what you love, what will your Heavenly Mansion look like?

Answer:  Go around the rooom